This article contains updates released 3/1/24 - 3/31/24.
As we collectively transition into spring, so too, CarePortal is entering a new and exciting season. Last month, we continued to diligently iron out remaining kinks from our big January release and began some exciting new work to make some small, but impactful changes that we believe will continue to improve your experience using CarePortal. Continue reading to check out our most recent updates!
Text Notification Verification Fixed
Affected roles: Churches, Champions, Community Responders
We've fixed the issue with verification codes not being sent when signing up to receive text notifications for requests. Now, confirming your number is a breeze. Just visit 'Manage My Profile' > 'Notifications' to sign up with ease.
Champion ‘Churches to Work With’ Section Not Including All Available Connecting Churches
Affected roles: Champions
Coming out of our big January update, we stumbled upon a snag that kept some Connecting Churches from appearing in a Champion Response Team’s 'Churches to Work With' section. But good news! We've tackled the issue and it's now smooth sailing ahead with no missing Connecting Churches.
Filter Requests By Agency Name in Advanced Search
Affected roles: Churches, Champions, Agencies
You can, once again, filter requests by agency name in the Advanced Search, making it easier to find and share requests from specific agencies. Happy searching and sharing!
Critical Request Escalation Timeline Fix
Affected roles: Agencies
One might expect that critical requests would immediately escalate according to the request escalation timelines. You know, like we say they do. However, this wasn't consistently happening. But rest assured, we've identified and fixed the issue. Requests are now escalating promptly according to the appropriate timelines!
New Church Statement of Faith
Affected roles: Churches, Network Leaders
For churches newly enrolled in CarePortal or those seeking reactivation, we've got a new requirement: the Point Person must agree to our Statement of Faith before becoming an active church. We've also introduced an 'Agreement' section in Church Settings for easy access to the Statement of Faith, Terms of Service, and Who We Serve documents. Click here to read our Statement of Faith. Please note that any currently active churches will not be forced to check off that they’ve reviewed and agreed to the Statement of Faith to continue using CarePortal.
Improved Church and Champion ‘Edit’ Button
Affected roles: Network Leaders
Exciting news! In our January release, we spruced up the functionality of the 'Edit' button for Churches and Champions. However, we noticed a bit of confusion with the button redirecting to Church Settings when most of the things to edit were inside a new ‘Admin’ tab of the Settings Page. Now clicking the ‘Edit’ button takes you straight to this new tab within the Settings page to reduce confusion.
Enhanced Table Functionality & Data Export
Affected roles: Network Leaders
When we revamped our tables to improve functionality and appearance, we removed some of the data that was visible in the tables to make our platform run faster for you. However, we understand the importance of the data previously available to you. That's why we've enhanced our exports to include all the data you previously had access to. To export, just head to a table, hit the 'Export' button, and voila! Your report, complete with all your data, will be in your email inbox soon. Happy exporting!
Celebration Emails Temporarily Disabled
Affected roles: Network Leaders
We've noticed some inconsistency with the celebration/milestone emails sent to Network Leaders. To resolve this, we're temporarily disabling the functionality until we can ensure it operates as intended. Stay tuned for updates on its reinstatement!
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